Worship Sunday 10:30 Christian Education 9:15 for all ages Childcare provided Come for a visit!
We are a diverse community of people who have discovered the difference faith in Jesus Christ makes in our lives. We are people from every walk of life who have received Jesus as Lord and Savior and are trying to live for Him. And, we are a caring, growing community that exists to serve God and His people.
We care about people like you. Our desire as a church is to offer you assistance toward faith and spiritual growth.
Our Mission Statement: The purpose of First Baptist Church is to reach out to people and help them become fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Here is some of what you will find at our church:
Worship that combines the best of contemporary and traditional music
Practical, biblically based sermons that can be easily applied to everyday life
Nursery, play room, and childrens church so parents can worship in peace
Transportation to the church for those who need it
Christian education (Sunday school) for all ages
Sports program, youth activities, and missions trips
A warm, accepting group of people who are looking forward to meeting you
Verse of the Day “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” (James 1:22) (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)
Call the church office for more information (630-897-9310)