Acupuncture Next Generation
Bodywork Therapy / Massage Charles Chuck Segard
Chiropractic Complete Care
Nutritional Support Eat Better - Live Better
Exercise Suggested Routines
Tools to get and stay well
Wellness is not just a matter of not being sick. It is the habits you create for yourself, day after day that promote your well being.
Cost saving benefits
We provide employers with the latest tools, techniques and technologies to help:
Dr. Matzner can field questions related to specific conditions, wellness, diet, nutrition, and lifestyle choices.
Doug Matzner, D.C., F.I.A.C.A offers an honest, no-nonsense approach to helping you achieve your health goals.
Located in southwest Champaign, the leading health professionals at Matzner Clinic are dedicated to helping you experience better health through better living.
Matzner Clinic is committed to providing you affordable, advanced wellness care strategies that get results.
Combining: Skill & Expertise | Latest Technology | Revolutionary Concepts
Happy Holidays from Matzner Clinic!
Enjoy a discount on your Ideal Protein consultation the month of December (appointment must be made in December & orientation meeting must be attended first).
We are also offering a "15% off all supplements" coupon the week of December 6th.
Start the new you today with Ideal Protein and Matzner Clinic!
Ideal Protein Group Orientation Meetings
You must R.S.V.P for one of these meetings - we plan a light meal, therefore please call us at 359-6625.
Monday, November 22 at 6 p.m.
Monday, December 6th at 6 p.m.
This is an informational meeting for those who are interested in starting the Ideal Protein weight loss plan. You will learn ALL about it at this meeting.
Current members are invited as well to share your successes!
Find out more about how you can lose 25-30 lbs. easy. We say easy because it is - with our help and a simple 4 phase protocol.
Eating less is all about quantity. Obviously, you won't lose weight if you eat more, although some people can eat what they want and not gain an ounce. But then again, "others will look at a pastry and gain a pound." So, there's more to weight loss than just quantity. Weight loss is above all a metabolism problem related to your hormonal genetic make-up.
Go to: to find out more!
Watch this video!
Are you considering protection against this possibly deadly virus, the swine flu? Before you run to the clinic to have them tap you with the vaccine, watch this video on the vaccine's effectiveness. The choice to receive the vaccine is a personal choice. It's one you should make after you consider both sides of the argument.
Watch the Video on YouTube
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Informed People Make Healthy Choices
New Patient Health Profile
The New Patient Health Profile is important because it helps us to focus on issues that brought you to our office and then to improve your health, wellness, and quality of life.
The degree to which any individual experiences health and vitality in any dimension of life
Your life is made up of multiple dimensions that are separate, yet profoundly connected. You can move towards wellness in one dimension while moving away from it in another.
The Three Dimensions of Stress
Physical, Bio-Chemical, and Psychological. In order to achieve wellness we must address all three dimensions simultaneously.
Northstar Chiropractic Natural Wellness Center | Lisle IL Chiropractor ... We believe in conservative and natural methods first, and complimenting this approach …