At University Place Christian Church, we understand that everyone is on a journey to somewhere. But, to what destination? What is a worthy goal? We believe the most fulfilling, most exciting, and most glorious destiny anyone can have is to be presented "mature in Christ" when all is said and done. (Colossians 1:28). To be a person who has developed a deep, trusting relationship with Christ which touches every part of their life in what "abundant living" is all about.
We don't all start at the same place and it is a lifelong process for all of us. Some need healing, others need challenge. Some have much to learn, others need to learn how to apply what they know. Some need encouragement, others are ready to lead. Some discover for the first time the power of prayer, others discover the marvelous gifts that God has given them. What a journey!
Our mission is to help make all that possible. We desire to provide a place to give God room to work, to make the Gospel clear and understandable, and to help each person, regardless or age, discover his or her call from God. As the Spirit moves among us, we see it happen every day. In small ways and large we function as the Body of Christ together and celebrate as each person steps out in faith, maturing in Christ.