"Reawaken the Joy of Christmas" by Pastor Randy Gauger
Scripture: Luke 2:39-45 -- Sermon Series: "From Humbug to Hallelujah!"
From Humbug to Hallelujah! Christmas Season at FBC. What if we could turn the Christmas spirit of humbug into one of joy and celebration? What would that look like?
Christmas at FBC...
Order Poinsettias for Christmas. Deadline for ordering is December 1. Cost is $10/plant. For your convenience, you can order and pay online. Order Poinsettias for Christmas...
Veggie Tales Premier on Friday, December 3. Join us at 6:30 pm for a meal and the premier of It's a Meaningful Life. Fun family event in The Crossing. Veggie Tales Premier info...
24/7 Youth Ministries Sunday, Dec. 5. Christmas Party from 6:30–8:30 pm. All Middle School and High School students are invited!Learn more about 24/7 ...
3rd Saturday at Empty Tomb— December 18. A Day to Serve in Jesus' Name. Meet at 9:00 am at Empty Tomb. You can sort clothes, deliver furniture, or work on home maintenance projects. Contact FBC office with questions. Local Missions we support...
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at 5:00 & 7:00 pm. The night that changed the world forever! Is the world still waiting for a Savior, or is the One we need right before our eyes? Join us on December 24. Christmas Eve Services...
Discover First Baptist on Sunday, January 23, 2011. This class is for anyone interested in learning about First Baptist Church at Savoy. Discover First Baptist info and registration...
Monday Prayer Team. Every Monday at 11:30 am, our Prayer Team meets in the church library to pray together for the church and for individuals. Would you like to participate? Monday Prayer Team...
WOW! This Christmas Season, FBC sent 646 shoeboxes to the Operation Christmas Child distribution center! We far exceeded our goal of 450 boxes. Thank you to everyone who participated! Operation Christmas Child...
FBC Women's Circle Meeting Dates— Annie Dieselberg Circle: Tuesday, December 7; Addie Stearns Circle: Thursday, December 9; Dorcas Circle: Tuesday, March 8.
Women's Circles at FBC...
Have you been on a Honduras Mission Trip? We are putting together a database of people who have been to the Honduras Children's Home on a mission trip.
Mission Trip Participants...
Awana Clubs. Every Wednesday evening from 6:00–7:45 pm from September through April. Children from age 3 through 6th grade. Awana Info and registration...
Online Giving Available. Convenient. Simple. Use your credit or debit card to make donations to the church. Sunday mornings just got easier! Online Giving...