My name is Janice Rutherford and I would like to introduce you to the goals of At-Ease body therapies, my services & background.
It is my objective to provide effective, comprehensive therapy to address structural imbalance and physical discomfort. I employ two primary techniques, individual sessions of Ortho-Bionomy® and group classes of Yamuna Body Rolling®. Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle, non-forceful method of reestablishing muscle tone and balance and freeing restriction around joints.It addresses tension patterns which include, but are not limited to, neck, back and hip pain, knee problems, frozen shoulder, fibromyalgia, and headache. Yamuna Body Rolling is a self massage technique using 8" diameter balls to maintain muscle tone and skeletal ease and flexibility.
I have seventeen years of experience as a body therapist. Prior to my career as a body therapist, I spent 13 years doing research in medical physiology at Northwestern Medical School, University of Illinois Medical School and University of Illinois Veterinary College.
My goal is to use my extensive experience and training combined with the marvelous tools of Ortho-Bionomy and Yamuna Body Rolling to help you create greater comfort and well being in your life.