Wilton helps families celebrate! For 80 years, Wilton has been the industry leader in cake decorating, quality bakeware and food crafting. We are the number one resource for nationally-located decorating classes, proven supplier of professional Wilton decorating bakeware and provide step-by-step information online and thru our publications to help you make your celebration special with Wilton cakes, cookies, cupcakes and candy.
to cake decorating?
Our decorating 101 section inlcudes basic instructions on icing, decorating bags and decorating tips, cake prepartion and more - everything you need to get started.
Wilton has so many ways to learn cake decorating! From comprehensive classes at the famous Wilton School of Cake Decorating to convenient 4-lesson Wilton cake decorating classes near you, it's easy for everyone to gain new skills.
Elephant in a Box is a home furniture innovation company in New York, USA with products that arrive in the mail, (un)fold instantly and adjust to your space.