Pursuing Innovative Theories About Liability
At the law office of Todd A. Heller & Associates, we have more than 32 years' experience handling civil litigation cases. Our Lake County, IL. injury attorneys provide aggressive representation on every personal injury case, including liability and damages issues.. We do not shy away from tackling challenging issues and are constantly pursuing innovative theories and methods to benefit the outcome in our clients' cases.
We are conveniently located right off the metro lines on Lake Cook Road in downtown Deerfield, IL., and provide flexibility for our clients in being able to consult with them on weekends, in the evenings and outside of the office. Our rates are competitive and reasonable and typically vary either by statute or court rule.
Illinois Car and Truck Accident Attorney
With our extensive experience as litigation attorneys, we provide successful legal representation for clients who have been injured in car and truck accidents. We have handled various forms of litigation ranging from accidents resulting in minor injuries such as whiplash and soft tissue injuries to severe accidents leading to permanent disability and wrongful death. In every case, we work hard to ensure all rightful compensation is awarded our clients.
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
We have helped many clients receive compensation following motorcycle accidents. We understand take our client's side and make sure that they are given the same protection as any other vehicle.
Premises Liability Law
Our firm is experienced with premises liability law and investigates important factors such as the design and safety of the premises that caused our clients personal injury. We have been able to show that buildings, roads and walkways were negligently maintained or designed and have won our clients' cases.
Contact a Lake County and Cook County, Illinois, Attorney Today
If you are seeking legal representation or would like more information about our services, contact our office for a free consultation today. You can reach us toll free at 866-319-8213 or online.
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