Exclusive Area Coverage
Our appraisers are within 10 miles of the property and provide service to the 60601-60699 and 60701-60714 zip codes. Chicago Appraisals provides geographic competency at a LOCAL level. We always have an appraiser nearby with local market knowledge.
Property Tax Appeals
Appeal your property taxes yourself with this simple "how-to" guide.
Foreclosures Hot List
We work with banks everyday. Our contacts have inventory they need to sell quickly. Enter your email to get access to the best foreclosures.
Instant Automated Valuation Model (AVM)
Our AVM saves time and money - When a full appraisal is not needed and a free "estimate" is not enough, we offer a quick computer generated low-cost alternative.
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Home appraisals, Residential Real Estate Appraisals, Divorce Appraisals, Estate Tax Appraisals, Date of Death Appraisals, Bankruptcy Appraisals, Property Tax Appeals, Condo appraisals
3320 W Foster Ave, Suite #240, Chicago, IL 60625 USA