Welcome to Junction Medical, an innovative new practice that combines the best of old fashioned care with the new technologies of today.
We are a Patient Centered Medical Home, which is defined by the following patient valued qualities:
Access to care Call today and be seen today.
Expanded hours Evening and weekend hours are available.
Respect for your time We strive to minimize the time spent completing forms, listening to busy signals, sorting through phone menu options, or waiting in our reception room.
Delivering care that is coordinated, comprehensive and continuous confusion, frustration and anger are not conducive to well being!
Focus on YOU The practice size will be limited so the physician may devote more time (usually one half to one hour) with each patient visit. We want you to be actively involved in making healthcare decisions that impact you and your family.
Health Loft was founded out of a desire to change the traditional healthcare delivery process that focuses too much on solving problems after they’ve occurred, rather than taking a proactive approach
160 North Wacker Drive, Unit 201, Chicago, IL 60606