"We want you to be as happy in your Heartbilt Home as we are in ours!"
This slogan is more than mere words. It is the cornerstone philosophy behind our log home business that developed from our dream of living in a log home. It's a dream that we, Jim and Ellen McRell, want to share with you. Down deep in each of us is a yearning to live our lives in a simpler, less complicated, less hectic way. Log homes personify these yearnings in a way that no other forms of housing can. They have the ability to take you away from the hustle and cares of the world to a place where you can enjoy the quietness and tranquility that only solid log walls can provide.
Building and owning a new home is every persons dream. Let us show you why that decision should take the form of a Heartbilt log home and how easy it can be to have your dream become a reality.
Take a look around our site and visit our own Heartbilt experience. See what dreams have come true for other customers. Bring us any home plan and we will convert it to the Heartbilt log home of your dreams! Please take a moment to fill out a quick questionnaire here (or click the Your Log Home button), so we can get started on making your American dream a reality.
Or you can always drop us an e-mail so we can answer any and all questions you may have.