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Beaver Tree Specialists
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As recommended by the National Arborist Association, we will professionally evaluate your tree (s) if you suspect any hazardous condition (you
Address3550 Hobson Rd Woodridge, IL 60517-1434
Phone(630) 668-8780
Before & After: Pruning & Thinning Can Beautify Your Trees & Increase Curb Appeal

Why Use Beaver Tree Specialists About Our Services Pest Control High Pressure Deep Root Fertilization Yellow Pin Oak Trimming Removals
Stump Grinding Wood Chips Snow Plowing #1 Priority Food For Thought We "Leaf" You With These

Reasons to Have Beaver Tree Specialists Maintain Your Trees:

Improves the health, strength, and longevity of your trees.
Your trees will have a much better chance of resisting disease, infestation, and injury.
Maintaining your trees on a preventative basis, and treating any problems early if they are detected, will GREATLY increase the chances of your tree's survival versus trying to "cure" a sick tree in later stages of decline.

The two most common causes of tree disease are bacteria and fungus.
Common symptoms include curled or spotted leaves, wilting, or loss of leaf or flower color.
There are three requirements if disease is to cause decline of a tree: A susceptible host plant. A disease-causing organism An environmental and time-span suitable for infection and disease development
Our quality tree care program will help prevent the disease cycle form being completed. Strong, stress free trees will be better able to fight off the disease causing pathogens.

There are 7 major groups of insects which cause damage to trees: aphids, leafhoppers, plant and lace bugs, scale, mites and leaf miners, defoliators, and borers.
Insect control is based on identifying the group, the life cycle, and the susceptible life-stage of each particular pest.
We offer spray applications and systemic injections to rebuild your trees immune system and provide relief from insect damage.
Along with our tree care program to add strength and resistance to your trees, pest control (when an infestation is diagnosed) is an important component of complete tree protection.

Fertilization stimulates growth of the tree to give strength against stresses such as disease, infestation, poor soil conditions, drought, or tree injury. Your trees will be far more able to uptake and retain water and grow vigorous foliage to manufacture nutrients.
Beaver Tree uses a specialized liquid mixture of essential nutrients, applied by the most effective means a sub-surface, high-pressure injection. This method 'shoots' the highly concentrated fertilizer directly into the feeding root-zone of your tree.
Just like us, trees do not survive on water alone. Our feeding program, performed at least once per year, gives your trees the nutrients they require for survival, resistance and strength.

If you have a pin oak suffering from yellowing and die-off, your tree is suffering from Chlorosis and requires treatment for survival! Please request for our special brochure demonstrating our proven program, complete with before arid after pictures of some of our client's trees

Reasons to trim your trees: health of the tree to (improve strength and balance, generate new growth, eliminate diseased branches, allow increased light), safety eliminate dangerous limbs, increase air circulation, prevent tree and property damage during high winds), and appearance (improved shape, clearance of sidewalks, driveway and home, removed deadwood).
Tree trimming, or pruning, is an art and a science. The art achieves a desired look and fit with the landscape. The science is understanding the tree's growth and health response to pruning.
When performed properly, trimming can improve a trees healthy appearance and increase its life expectancy The tree canopy will be opened up to allow increased sunlight and airflow.
When performed incorrectly, trimming can decrease a trees life span or even kill it. Because trees are living organisms, trimming without a thorough knowledge of tree balance, nutrition, metabolism, and anatomy can cause great harm.

Possible causes for tree removal: disease or infestation which is unresponsive to treatment or is contagious, dangerous conditions caused by age, location which poses danger to persons or property, undesirable species.
Our removals are performed safely, responsibly and efficiently.
Clean-up is complete, thorough and courteous.
As recommended by the National Arborist Association, we will professionally evaluate your tree(s) if you suspect any hazardous condition (you could be held responsible for any damage or personal injury caused by a tree on your property). Our expertise in complete tree care can offer solutions to remedy the situation and save the tree, avoiding removal unless absolutely necessary or desired by the homeowner.

We will grind the stumps of removed trees (new or existing stumps) below ground level so you can landscape the area

We chip branches and limbs at the job site. You can keep your chips or we can haul them away after tree trimming/ removal. We also deliver wood chips for your landscaping and mulching needs, with a small delivery charge.

We provide services to both residential and commercial accounts. Most of our client have been with us for many years because we are reliable, neat, and honest. If you are considering snow removal services, or are dissatisfied with your current service, please call us for a free estimate!

We have exclusively served DuPage County for over 20 years.
The owner of Beaver Tree, Jack Casino, returns phone calls and performs estimates, keeping a close-knit trusting relationship with customers.
Phone calls, estimates, and tree care appointments are performed as promised and on time.
Our bids and quotes are fair, cost-effective, and are not inflated.
We consistently out-perform customer expectations.
Jack will personally "know your trees" and be able to provide sound expertise regarding their care, now and for years to come.
We care accountable. Jack diligently answers calls and visits customers to address any questions or concerns they have.
Beaver Tree is a long-term, independent company, giving you the peace-of-mind knowing we are here for you today and in the future.
Tree care is our full-time concern. We are not diverted by other interest, franchises or business pursuits.
We respect the hard work and include you invest in your property. We will treat your trees, and property with the utmost concern and care.
We are fully insured.

Have you ever noticed how children and families gravitate to parks with trees? How picnic tables by trees are the most used?
Have you noticed that homes and lots with mature trees cost more and are more valuable than those without mature trees?
Do you like to hike, bike, and jog in the Forest Preserves and on the Prairie Path as opposed to open, flat land?
Are there tree-lined streets that you love to drive down on a sunny day?
Do you smile when you think about your trees? How they smell in the spring, shade your home, rustle in the wind, ring out with bird-song, buffer the noises around your, clean your air, stabilize your soil, turn bright colors in the fall, stand snow-laden and clear in the winter?

If so, you know the values of trees and the value of caring for them. Let us help you do that, professionally, consistently and economically.

We "leaf" you with these thoughts . . . * Trees are the most giving and forgiving organisms on earth. * An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. * Trees are shining examples of quiet dignity. * It's important to have roots.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Branches and additional offices:
(630) 221-8780 2S410 Center Ave Warrenville, IL 60555-2301

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