Please be aware that NorthStar Credit Union and other financial institutions, federal and state government or trade agencies will never ask you for personal information (account numbers, social security numbers, passwords, etc.) unless you first initiate the contact. Do not provide personal information by e-mail or click on links within e-mail messages or text messages asking you to verify your personal information. For more information, please visit or
NorthStar is proud to offer mortgages through our affiliate, CU/America Financial Serives.
Watch a Credit Union Parody of the Famous Mac/PC Ads
Third Party Links
NorthStar Credit Union does not provide, and is not responsible for, the product, service, or overall website content available at a third-party site. NorthStar Credit Union neither endorses the information, content, presentation, or accuracy nor makes any warranty, express or implied, regarding any external site. NorthStar Credit Union's privacy policies do not apply to linked websites. You should consult the privacy disclosures on any linked site for further information.
Information sent by email is at risk of loss of confidentiality if the information is transmitted over the Internet. We do not recommend sending confidential information such as social security or account numbers by email. You can contact us directly at (630) 393 - 7201.
Branches and additional offices:
(630) 393-72013S555 Winfield Rd Warrenville, IL 60555-3148
(630) 876-5519528 Main St West Chicago, IL 60185-2843