QUAD CITY FUNERAL CAREPart of the Trimble Group of local funeral homes1500 River Drive, Suite 200, Moline, Illinois 61265
877-767-VETS (toll-free) or 309-764-VETS
Quad City Veterans Funeral Care is located on John Deere Commons in Moline near the entrance to the Rock Island National Cemetery on Arsenal Island.
Quad City Funeral Care is proud to be the exclusive provider of Veterans Funeral Care in the greater Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois area.
Veterans Funeral Care was founded to help Veterans and their families. Through our partnership with them, our staff is trained to handle every detail of making burial and cremation arrangements for veterans. This includes our answering questions about military protocol, assuring that legal requirements are met, and providing whatever equipment, facilities, and technical services that may be needed.
The mission of the Veterans Funeral Care is to reduce funeral costs for veterans and their families. Today in the United States, funerals through funeral homes commonly cost in excess of $9,000. Our families pay just $4,795.00.