At AGlo Spa & Salon Co. we believe that image is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. However, in today's world hectic schedules often interfere with the proper care of the body. At AGlo, we intend to inspire change by opening a whole new world of indulgent possibilities. Whether you have a half hour or a full day, visit AGlo Spa & Salon Co.
Our trained technicians can provide personalized services and spa treatments that enhance your appearance and your overall well-being. Our spa provides a wide variety of services in a relaxed yet professional atmosphere. We have spa packages available as well! Come balance your mind and body with every treatment imaginable. You'll leave feeling refreshed and renewed.
Find invigoration--for hair, skin, and senses--visit AGlo Spa & Salon Co. in Janesville, Wisconsin today!
Ideally situated within the historic Riverfront Centre in beautiful Downtown Janesville, Wisconsin. Get driving directions to AGlo Spa & Salon Co. from anywhere!
And our professional selecion of AVEDA brand products will help restore and maintain your beauty even between visits.