About BookZone Illinois
/ BookZeller is an internet bookseller only; we have no open retail shop. We have over 100,000 items listed online. Our downtown store in Naperville, Illinois closed October 2006. We buy large collections of non-fiction books, selected magazines, CDs and DVDs. We make home visits throughout the Chicago area and within 2 hours of downtown Chicago for large collections. Call Lee Mathers or Ellen Bales at 630 499-8127 if you are selling a large collection. ____________________ -***- We buy books by appointment only. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 11am and 4pm are our primary buying days. PLEASE CALL before coming to see us (630-499-8127) or e-mail us at bookzone@bookzeller.com. __________________________________________________________ -***- Directions to BookZone: In Naperville take highway 59 to 83rd Street/Montgomery Rd. Turn west onto Montgomery. Just before the railroad tracks, you'll see a left turn onto Normantown Road. Take this left turn. Follow Normantown Rd. through two stop signs, and Schoger will be on your left just past the YMCA. Take Schoger and just before it curves to the right, go straight to the set of buildings with the sign for Heartland Investments. Take the second alley on the left to the door for Unit 16 and knock. Please call ahead for an appointment. We do not allow browsing at our location.
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All sales in U.S. currency. MasterCard, Visa, Discover/Novus, and American Express credit cards, and postal/commercial money orders accepted. We now also accept PAYPAL, utilize "bookzone@bookzeller.com" for PayPal payment and make sure to reference book title and book inventory number. Also for PAYPAL payments, confirm the shipping address in the PAYPAL additional information blank. Personal/ corporate /institutional checks accepted (U.S. funds only). Checks must have imprinted data sufficient ... [More Information]
Orders usually ship within 2 business days. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversized, we may contact you to let you know extra shipping is required.