At this office our mission is to improve the quality of your life. We know that health is so much more than just not feeling pain. We strive to have our patients reach their fullest innate potential.
H1N1 Vaccine Not Being Used As Expected By Drug Companies and Governments
In spite of extensive news coverage and government officials appearing in the media urging the public to get the H1N1 vaccine, the usage has been far below expected levels. Several news stories and ...
Chiropractic Care Helps Boy With Migraine-Type Headaches - A Case Report
A case report was published in the January 2010 issue of the scientific publication, "Explore, the Journal of Science and Healing", documenting the case of an 11 year old boy who was ...
Bedwetting Helped with Chiropractic Care - A Case Study
A case study published on September 22, 2010 in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, documented the case of a 9 year old boy who was suffering with nocturnal enuresis, better known as ...
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Touts Chiropractic as Prevention
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger addressed a group of about 200 chiropractors at the International Chiropractors Association's Symposium on Natural Fitness held in Columbus, Ohio, on March 6, 2010. ...