Written by Rabbi Steven Stark Lowenstein and Illustrated and designed by Mark Anderson...
Using RHYMES AND COLORFUL ILLUSTRATIONS, "For the Love of Being Jewish" explores the key concepts of Judaism in a fun and humorous way. Definitions of key Jewish words, inspiring quotes, and clever caricatures of famous Jewish people make one of the worlds oldest religions accessible and understandable to all.
Packed with colorful illustration and whimsical verses, this lighthearted, factual, and entertaining exploration of Judaism is the perfect book for encouraging people of different faiths to learn from each other. Through the lens of history, culture, ethics, and values, important Jewish themes are uncovered in a way that makes us chuckle and think. While its not possible to pack 5,770 years of history into 48 pages, For the Love of Being Jewish touches upon some of the key concepts of one of the worlds oldest religions and introduces us to Jewish people who have helped make the world a better place, from Moses to Albert Einstein to Bob Dylan.