On January 1, 2004, Legris & Associates began offering accounting and consulting services
to small business owners and individuals throughout the area.
We have created an atmosphere in our office where you can feel comfortable asking the
questions you need to have answered. If we don't know an answer, we'll find out for you.
If you are a new business owner, we'll work with you to resolve your business challenges.
We know that there isn't just one way to get a job done. Each owner is individual and needs
a different set of services. I'll meet with you one on one to discuss what your needs are and
how we can best serve you. Our business services can be as comprehensive and cost
effective as you need them to be. Our goal is not just to crunch numbers, but to also help
you understand what those numbers mean.
We offer a number of services to small businesses and individuals including tax services of all
types; payroll preparation for small businesses; and accounting and advisory services including
preparation of financial statements
We are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am until 4:30pm.
Saturday and evenings available by appointment.
We are located at 16A Briarcliff Professional Center
We have a lot of details on our G2 Crowd profile, so that is likely a good starting point, we can discuss--https://www. g2crowd. com/products/surepayroll/details