In 1955, three young accountants named Lewis Frost, James Ruttenberg and Edward Rothblatt combined their individual practices, taking full advantage of their complementary backgrounds and opened an accounting practice at 134 N. LaSalle in Chicago, Illinois. Since the beginning, Frost, Ruttenberg & Rothblatt, P.C. (FR&R) has continued to develop its expertise, adding services that constantly go beyond the expectations of their clients. Learn more about FR&R
Frost, Ruttenberg and Rothblatt, P.C. (FR&R) offers instant access to more than 8,800 employees with global audit, accounting, tax and advisory services nationally and internationally through our membership in DFK International, an association with 27 member firms and 40 offices located in the United States. The entire association has representation worldwide in 80 countries with a total of 200 individual member firms and 300 offices. The DFK International affiliation offers FR&R clients accounting, tax and advisory services in commercial centers throughout the world. Learn More about our Global Reach .
What Sets Us Apart Will Keep You Ahead.
When it comes to making a career move, the accounting firm you work for should fit YOUR style, YOUR goals and vision for YOUR future. Join FR&R and you’ll work side-by-side with powerful people who promise to make that a reality. People who are influential, strong, compelling…people like YOU – committed to life’s success. Learn more about careers at FR&R.
Jeff Singer speaks at TECH cocktail
2010 Sloan Award for Business Excellence in Workplace Flexibility
Marilyn Mines - Billing Alert for Long Term Care
111 Pfingsten Rd., Suite 300 - Deerfield, IL 60015 - 847-236-1111
Branches and additional offices:
(312) 263-44551 N La Salle St Ste 1500 Chicago, IL 60602-3938
We assist taxpayers Nationwide and offer many tax solutions. Our step by step plan assists and guides taxpayers through the resolution process to overcome their tax issue. We offer a free, no-obligati
We assist taxpayers Nationwide and offer many tax solutions. Our step by step plan assists and guides taxpayers through the resolution process to overcome their tax issue. We offer a free, no-obligati
We assist taxpayers Nationwide and offer many tax solutions. Our step by step plan assists and guides taxpayers through the resolution process to overcome their tax issue. We offer a free, no-obligati