It is time to change your way of living into a healthy and vigorous lifestyle. Traditional medical treatments rely on artificial and synthetic means, which often give you many negative side effects. Alternative medicine utilizes what God has given us in nature to cure our bodies and maintain excellent health. At Dr. Na Zhai Clinic, Alternative Medicine Springfield IL, we offer natural medicine, also known as holistic medicine to give you great health without the use of artificial drugs. We also can do acupuncture therapy, and utilize Chinese medicine and remedies.
Bobby was constantly affected by involuntary movements in his neck and shoulder called tics, which were a component of Tourette syndrome. His physician tried several different medications to control his symptoms without help. The last medication actually caused side effects that nearly killed him. After receiving treatments from Dr. Na, his tics greatly diminished and his condition improved. His only "side effect" was that he lost 80 lbs! Now he has remained healthy, drug-free, and symptom-free since 2005.
You have probably come to this website because you recognize the importance of your health to be able to enjoy your life. Most of us don't realize the value of our health until we lose it. In this modern world, many people value their wealth over their health. We often spend more of our time and resources on our cars, houses and other worldly possessions than on our own body.
Northstar Chiropractic Natural Wellness Center | Lisle IL Chiropractor ... We believe in conservative and natural methods first, and complimenting this approach …