We are a family optometric practice of primary care optometry. Dr. Jack is the go-to guy of eyes and eye health. The Gardner Family Eye Care Practice has been serving the southwest side of the city and suburbs for over 70 years, where Dr. James Gardner founded the Practice in 1938.
The Doctors in the Gardner Family Eye Care Practice are licensed in full-scope optometry: vision exams, contacts, glasses, AND ALSO eye health exams and management of glaucoma and other eye and health diseases/emergencies. Dr. Jack is a contact lens and sports vision specialist, lecturing to other O.D.'s internationally as well as locally. He is often consulted by contact lens manufacturers in the research and development of new contacts lenses and has helped countless patients who had no prior success in contact lens wear. In fact, one of his patients affectionately refers to him as the contact lens guru.
Doctors in the Gardner Family Eye Care Practice consider it essential to be an active member of the eye health team-opticians, optometrists, ophthalmologists. Perhaps Dr. Jack's experience as a contributing member of the 1963 St. Rita High School National Championship Football Team helps him understand the value of teamwork.
As members of this eye health care team, our Doctors make knowledgeable recommendations regarding surgeries and extended care. They have considerable knowledge of and experience with results of lots of doctors and know who does the best work in which specialties. They will only recommend for you what would be appropriate.
It's amazing how we humans often seek out advice from people with far less knowledge and expertise than we need or should have. Our Doctors encourage our patients to ask us lots of questions and to listen carefully to doctors' answers. For example, laser surgery is now a commodity being awarded to the lowest bidder. We have cases of patients who have had gone to those lowest bidders or had the surgery when inappropriate. We strive to teach our patients how to best care for their and their family's vision and eye health in order to enjoy a lifetime of excellent eye health and vision.
Our eye health care doesn't stop in our chair. Our Doctors and Staff are very mindful of our patients' emotional needs that often accompany decisions such as laser surgery, glaucoma treatment, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration. Even wearing glasses can be traumatic for some people. We respect our patients' need for privacy and we offer support to patients who need assistance with eye disease and health concerns and their repercussions.
We Promise that our family of knowledgeable, caring Doctors and Staff will provide our patients with personalized, superior Optometric eye health and vision correction.
We Promise to teach you about your visual system so that you understand and accept our recommendations.
We Promise to work with our patients to maintain for them the highest possible quality of Life. We help protect your vision...
Next to Life itself, our most Precious Gift.