Being desirous of promoting practical goodness in the world, and of aiding each other in our moral and religious improvement, we have associated ourselves together—not as agreeing in opinion, not as having attained universal truth in belief or perfection in character, but as seekers after truth and goodness.
Our Mission Statement(adopted by the congregation May 19, 1996)
The Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva is a diverse, welcoming community which endeavors to make its Covenant a living reality. We provide religious education and opportunities for spiritual growth. We encourage individual and mutual responsibility as together we work to be a liberal religious voice in the community and a force for compassionate social justice.
ServicesWe offer two worship services each Sunday, at 9:30am & 11:15am.
Church School & ChildcareDuring the 9:30am worship service, we offer church school for grades PreK through 6th.
During the 11:15am worship service, we offer church school for grades PreK through 12th.
Nursery care for children under 5 years old is available at both services.
There is a social hour in our Common Room after each service and all are welcome! If you would like one of our greeters to speak with you, use one of the "BLUE" cups designated for visitors. Or just feel free to ask anyone for help.
ALL MAIL should be sent to: P.O. Box 107, Geneva, IL 60134-0107.
Church Office and 24-hour Voicemail: 630-232-2350
Church Office Email: