November 9th - Tampa, FL
November 10th - 12th - Orlando, FL
November 15th - Scottsdale, AZ
November 17th - New York, NY
November 18th & 19th - Las Vegas, NV
Am I provided with timely and relevant information in making my business decisions?
What steps should be taken for year-end income tax planning?
How do the recent tax law changes impact on my current plans for my company?
Is the asset composition of my company structured to derive maximum tax advantages?
What is my business really worth?
Will I, as an owner, be able to enjoy retirement without incurring unnecessary expenses?
Do I really know where my cash comes from and where it goes?
Do I have a business plan and is it current?
If any of these questions leave you uncertain, we're here to help. Our objective is to help with the important decisions necessary to enable you to make the best use of your business resources.
Our broad experience working with closely-held and family owned companies and their owners includes the ability to formulate a complete financial plan as well as to provide legal and tax planning services. We can coordinate this multi-faceted process for you in an unbiased fashion. Personnel do not sell investments.
Advice is offered because it is right for you, not because a product needs to be sold. All advice of The Center is independent and objective of any product bias.
Legal help is what nearly everyone has to utilize at some point of their lives. Any number of issues can come up that need resolution in a court of law, and when that happens, a lawyer is the one who
At John Foy & Associates we care about our clients and we give our best to get you the whated results. In over 20 years of experience, we helped more than 1000 people and you can be next.
Call 24/7.