Dr. Storrs specializes in skin cancer detection and treatment. Emphasis is placed on patient education and the prevention of skin cancers
Common conditions treated in our clinic:
Skin Care & Treatments
A dermatologist specializes in diseases of the skin, hair, and nails, including skin cancer detection and treatment. Dermatologists are specialists in treating a variety of dermatologic conditions, including alopecia, acne, rosacea, warts and moles. Dermatologic surgeons treat skin cancers; melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma. They are specialty trained in clinical medicine and surgery pertaining to the skin.
An individualized treatment plan may range from medications and treatments to dermatological surgical procedures. Additionally, biopsies might be necessary to accurately diagnose benign and malignant growths and skin cancers.
Dr. Storrs, strives to raise public awareness of skin cancer and melanoma.
Cancer affects one in five Americans and an estimated 11,200 people will die of skin cancer this year alone.
Yet, skin cancer has a 95% cure rate when it is detected early.
Therefore, Dr. Storrs encourages everyone to examine their skin regularly for irregular moles or suspicious lesions in addition to seeing a dermatologist on a regular basis.
We take very good care of you and your skin issues by providing you with the treatment and services that are important in maintaining your health.
The staff of our clinic is dedicated to the diagnostic care and treatment of skin diseases and conditions; offering more than a "cosmetic spa" type of practice.
Most Insurances and Most Major Credit Cards Accepted
At Dermatology & Plastic Surgery Associates, our unique combination of expertise in the fields of cosmetic surgery and dermatology gives us the opportunity to offer a wide variety of treatments.