Since 1982, Sullivan Plumbing has been providing the highest quality products and services for the heating, cooling, and plumbing needs of Champaign-Urbana residents and businesses. In our continuing effort to best serve our current and potential customers, we offer this Web site, full of useful information to help you make more informed decisions about the systems used in your home, and the people who install and maintain those systems.
Your home is probably the largest real property investment you will ever make, and the professionals at Sullivan Plumbing Co. are committed to helping you protect it. We can show you the various options available for your specific needs, and then advise you regarding the features and benefits of each, enabling you to select the best solution for your home.
We pride ourselves on keeping abreast of the latest products and technology in the heating and cooling fields, so that your home's systems can perform efficiently. For example, let us introduce you to radiant floor heating, zoning, generator use, and high-velocity air conditioning.
Our goal always—the utmost in a comfortable and economical living environment for you and your family.