At Progressive Health and Rehabilitation, we know that you and your health concerns are unique. That is why our practice combines the unique talents of medicine, physical medicine, chiropractic, manual therapy, nutrition and rehabilitation. Our multi-specialty team provides you with a non-surgical approach to your pain or injury.
What can we do for you? >
Spinal Decompression Therapy
The primary focus of our clinic is the non-surgical treatment of serious chronic lower back pain. The foundation of our state of the art care is built around the FDA cleared DRX9000 Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression System for the treatment of back and neck pain due to:
• Herniated/Bulging Spinal Discs
Learn more >
Call us today to see if you are a candidate for this breakthrough technology!
Fill out the intake form, and we'll get you in quicker!
If you are a new patient, you can download our intake form and fill it out at home so you don't have to when you come into the clinic. Just follow these easy steps:
1. Download intake forms (PDF) >
2. Fill out the form.
3. Bring it to the clinic on your first visit.
Insurance Coverage
As a courtesy to all of our new patients, our insurance department will verify your insurance coverage with us. We do accept most insurances including Medicare.