Chiropractic is a natural method of health care that doesn't use drugs or surgery. Chiropractic care eases the kinks that occur in the spine from stress, a fall, injury, or trauma of some kind. Those kinks in the spine cause the spinal bones to rub or irritate the spinal cord, creating what chiropractors call a subluxation. Subluxations can interfere with the communication between brain and spinal cord, leading to illness, discomfort, or pain. Subluxations are relieved through chiropractic adjustments. Those adjustments are typically made by hand, and they return the spinal bones to proper alignment. Chiropractic care can provide relief for headaches, neck pain , back pain , stress, injury, and trauma.
At Comprehensive Chiropractic our goal is to help you remain healthy and happy. We offer general chiropractic services for patients of all ages and can provide referrals for more specific assessments when necessary.
Comprehensive Chiropractic accepts most medical insurance plans, and has affordable rates and flexible payment plans for individuals without health insurance. Call us today and set up an appointment—let us help you maintain your most valuable asset, your health.
Northstar Chiropractic Natural Wellness Center | Lisle IL Chiropractor ... We believe in conservative and natural methods first, and complimenting this approach …