Welcome to Northside Chiropractic, a chiropractic facility for people of all ages. Northside utilizes a conservative hands-on approach and state-of-the-art physiotherapy.
Dr Dubick is dedicated to restoring your wellness, which he sees as more than just an absence of pain. Combining traditional chiropractic techniques with the latest in computer imaging technology, Dr Dubick makes diagnosing and treating the cause of your pain a priority. In addition, Northside offers nutritional counseling, massage therapy, acupuncture and overall health evaluations.
At Northside Chiropractic, our philosophy is to treat the cause of the pain instead of just the symptoms.
Dr. Michael J. Dubick, DC
Northside Chiropractic is located at 3259 N. Ashland in Lakeview, in Chicago, Illinois. Telephone: 773.755.9515