Huff & Gaines Ltd. is a full-service law firm in Chicago representing clients throughout the United States. In recent years, as a reflection of the globalization of commerce, Huff & Gaines has represented U.S. clients on matters in Mexico, Europe, Russia, Japan, Hong Kong and other nations in the Pacific Rim. Huff & Gaines also represents non-U.S. clients regarding litigation, transaction and intellectual property matters in the United States.
Clients include banks and financial institutions, investment and merchant banks, security and commodity brokers, healthcare, telecommunications, architectural, engineering, construction, real estate development, manufacturing, mining and other local, Midwest, national and multi-national enterprises, as well as small entrepreneurial businesses, family enterprises and high net worth individuals.
Donald W. Fohrman & Associates, Ltd. is a Chicago-based, full-service personal injury law firm, concentrating in representing accident victims and their families.
When you face issues at workplace, it is very important to fight against the injustice. Brian Graber is an attorney based in Michigan who can help you resolve the issues legally. Whether you have been