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Sullivan Auctioneers & Realty
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View sale bills for upcoming auctions by Sullivan, Auctioneers, LLC, including estate sales, land auctions, antiques, and collectibles.
Address1066 E Us Highway 136 Hamilton, IL 62341-3105
Phone(217) 847-2160
Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 10:00 A.M.
485 Acres of Clark County MO land to be sold in 2 tracts. Land is located in Sections 10, 11, 14 & 15, T63N•R9W approximately 3 1/2 miles NW of Williamstown, MO. Sale to be held at the Comfort Inn Banquet Room, Canton, MO.
Melton/Bradley Land
Monday, November 22, 2010 at 9:00 A.M.
Schuyler County, IL Estate Auction selling 9 tractors, combines, trucks and trailers, full line of farm machinery, tools and other farm related items. Highlights include: JD 7820 tractor, AC 305 4WD tractor, Gleaner R62 and Gleaner R60 combines, Kilbro Model 1200 grain cart and more. Sale to be held at the farm north of Rushville, IL.
James "JT" Clayton Estate

Monday, November 22, 2010 at 6:00 P.M.
Selling 262 acres (subject to survey) of Hancock County, IL farmland to be sold in 3 tracts. Land is located in Section 1 of Montebello Township, approximately 8 miles northeast of Hamilton, IL. Land consists of highly productive farmland! Sale to be held at the Eagles Club, Hwy. 94 North, Carthage, IL.
Donald & Elizabeth Schilson and Robert & Mildred Schilson - Sellers

Selling approximately 65 acres located in Section 7 of Lima Township, Adams County, IL. Land represents outstanding hunting/recreational with income producing CRP acres and pond.
Staci J. Orr - Seller
Updated CRP and RE Tax Information added 11.10.10
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 10:00 A.M. 180 acres of Greene County, IL farmland to be sold in multiple tracts. Land is located in Sections 10, 11 & 15, T11N•R11W, Wrights Township. Sale to be held at the K of C Hall in Carrollton, IL.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 at 9:00 A.M.
Selling approximately 114 acres of farmland located approximately 1 1/2 miles west of Emerson, MO in Marion County. Farm to be sold in 2 tracts including Tract 1 which will have a nice all brick ranch style home with several out buildings. Also selling farm machinery including 7 tractors and other farm related items along with tools and miscellaneous.
Geene & Lily Denish

Friday, November 26, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.
10th Annual Bred Heifer Sale. Selling approximately 225 head of reputation black angus bred heifers. 130 head are confirmed AI bred in a 3 day interval, heifers are AI'd to Blue Moon! Heifers are extra gentle and will suit the most particular cow man!! This will be Harold and Marvis' 10th anniversary sale and will be serving a complimentary lunch prior to the auction! Sale to be held at the Carthage, IL sale barn.
Harold (H.G.) and Marvis Trump - Owners
Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 10:00 A.M. 177 acres of Lewis County, MO farmland to be sold in 2 tracts. Land is located in Sections 9 & 10, T60N•R7W. Sale to be held at the Comfort Inn banquet room in Canton, MO.
J.P. Wallace Estate
Saturday November 27, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. 95.9 acres of Lewis County, MO farmland. Land is located in Section 18, T60N•R6W. Sale to be held at the Comfort Inn banquet room in Canton, MO. Mr. & Mrs. Allan “Butch” Brown and Fran Brown - Owners
Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 11:30 a.m.
83 acres of beautiful Northeast Missouri hunting/recreational acreage, tillable farmland and home building sites! Land is located approximately 2 miles west of Canton, MO on the south side of Hwy. 16 in Section 26 of T62N•R6W. Sale to be held at the Comfort Inn Banquet Room in Canton, MO.
Edna Mae Baxter
Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.
12th Annual Bred Heifer Sale. Selling 500 head of females to include approximately 400 bred heifers and 100 head of young 3, 4 & 5 year old cows. Heifers are AI'd with exact calving dates (calving intervals starting February 8th and ending March 20th). Bred heifers consist of approximately 300 black angus; 50 BWF and 50 herefords. An outstanding selection of reputation bred heifers with many repeat satisfied customers!!
Sale held at the Edina, MO sale barn.

Monday, November 29, 2010 • 10:00 a.m.
292 acres of Davis County, IA farmland located in Sections 7 & 8, T67N•R14W, Wyacondah Township. Sale to be held at the Get-Togather Room, north side of the square, Bloomfield, IA.
Dean & Nancy Hougland, Owners.

Monday, November 29 at 6:00 P.M.
650 acres (subject to survey) of Linn County, MO land to be sold in 15 tracts. Land is located in Sections 19 & 30 of T58N•R19W and Sections 11, 14, 24 & 25 of T58N•R20W, just north of Brookfield, MO. Land consists of productive tillable farmland, pastureland, home building sites, (3) acreages with homes and buildings, plus more! Sale to be held at the Elks Lodge, 120 East Wood Street, Brookfield, MO.
Lester Miller, Millbrook Farms

Selling a full line of farm equipment for Lester Miller - Millbrook Farms. Highlights include: JD 7410 MFWD; JD 4040; JD 7720 II 4WD combine; plus planting, tillage and hay equipment.
Sale to be held at the farm approximately 2 miles north of Brookfield, MO on Hwy. M.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
Approximately 126± acres of Van Buren and Jefferson County, IA land (to be sold in 2 tracts). Land offers tillable farmland, as well as prime recreation and hunting! Located approximately 2 miles north of Stockport, IA. Sale to be held in Stockport , IA. Dennis & LuEtta Fulton - Owners
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.
Outstanding machinery estate auction of well maintained John Deere farm machinery, along with trucks, trailers and other farm items. Highlights include: JD 7810 tractor, MFWD & only 1345 one-owner hours; JD 4650 tractor, MFWD, 4738 hrs.; JD 4430 tractor; IHC Farmall M tractor; JD 9500 4WD combine w/1840 sep. hrs.; JD 693 6RN poly corn hd.; JD 925F platform; plus full line of farm machinery. Sale held at the farm at the edge of Hull, IL.
Sam White Estate, Marilyn White - Owner.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at 3:00 p.m.
400 Acres of Lewis County, MO farmland to be sold in 5 Tracts. Land is located in Section 31 of T60N•R7W, Sections 24 & 36 of T60N•R8W. Land offers productive tillable farmland, pastureland, hunting/recreational acreage and building sites. Sale to be held at the Queen of Peace Church Hall in Ewing, MO.
Kenneth Ferguson Estate

395± acres of Jefferson County, Iowa land
Land is located in Sections 27, 28 & 33 in Penn Township and Section 10 in Buchanan Township. Land will be sold in multiple tracts and represents tillable farmland and prime recreation and hunting land, as well as two country acreages with buildings. Sale to be held at the Best Western Inn in Fairfield, IA. For additional info. contact Jim Huff, Auction Rep., Mt. Pleasant, IA 319-931-9292
The Don Greiner Trust and the Virginia Greiner Estate

Friday, December 3, 2010 at 11:00 a.m.
Retirement farm machinery auction. Sale located east of Wellsville, MO. Highlights include: '76 JD 8630 4WD; '76 JD 4630; '82 JD 6620 4WD combine & JD 918 platform & JD 643 corn hd.; JD 980 32 1/2' field cultivator; JD 630 26 1/2' disk; Kinze 600 heavy duty grain cart; (2) Unverferth GW 630 wagons (like new)!; Kinze 2200 12RN front fold terrace flex planter; plus more! Equipment is in excellent condition and has been well cared for.
Charlie & Carolyn McCoy, Owners
Friday, December 3, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Lewis County Missouri, land auction. Sale to be held at the Comfort Inn in Canton, Missouri. 450 Acres (subject to final survey) selling in 4 tracts.
Saturday, December 4, 2010 at 10:00 A.M.
Large retirement auction. Selling 223 Acres of Davis County, IA farmland to be sold in 4 tracts. Land represents productive tillable farmland, improved pasture, 2 country homes, dairy facility, recreational, etc. Also selling full line of farm machinery and vehicles. Highlights include: JD 8630 tractor, JD 4430 tractor, JD 4520 tractor, JD 4020 tractor, (2) Belarus tractors, combine, skidsteers, feeding equipment, milking equipment, other pcs. of farm machinery, trucks, trailers, etc.
Sale to be held at the farm south of Pulaski, IA at 29469 Timber Ave., Pulaski, IA 52584 (approximately 10 miles east of Bloomfield, IA)
Delbert and LaVonna Jones
Monday, December 6, 2010 • 10:00 a.m.
Large inventory reduction auction of late model John Deere farm machinery. Selling: Combines, heads, tractors, planters & drills, fall & spring tillage tools, plus much more! This will be a very large auction. Sale held at the dealership along Hwy. 136 in Kahoka, MO IMI JD Dealer - Owner

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 • 10:00 a.m.
Huge absolute retirement auction of late model farm machinery. Highlights include: Case-IH 7240 Magnum tractor, MFWD; Case-IH 7230 Magnum tractor, MFWD; Case-IH C50 tractor, MFWD; Case 1370 tractor; Case-IH AFX8010 4WD combine & only 1,536 eng. hrs., 1,026 sep. hrs.; Case-IH 2412 12RN corn hd.; Case-IH 2020 35' platform; (2) head hauling trailers; Case-IH 1200 12/23 no-till splitter planter; Case-IH SPX 3185 sprayer; Demco 1050 grain cart; Friesen 375 seed tender; '86 Ford LTL 9000 semi trailer; '96 Fruehauf 48'x102" flatbed trailer; other support equipment; ATVs; mowers; backhoe 3-pt. attach. & forklift; other farm items. Sale held at the farm located near Allerton, IA.
John & Sandy Krastel - Owners
Wednesday, December 8, 2010 • 10:30 a.m.
Large absolute auction of late model farm machinery. Highlights include: Case-IH 9380 4WD tractor; Case-IH 8940 tractor, MFWD; Case-IH 8920 tractor; Case-IH 2388 4WD combine w/only 469 sep. & 675 eng. hrs.; Case-IH 2208 8RN corn hd.; Case-IH 1020 30' grain platform; (2) head hauling carts; Komatsu 65EX-12 dozer, one-owner; Komatsu PC220LC-6L trackhoe; Cat 416B backhoe; Case 586E forklift; Case 584 forklift; Vermeer T-800C trencher; '96 Peterbilt 379 semi; '84 Peterbilt 359 semi; '96 Peterbilt 379 dump truck; '88 Kenworth 900 truck; '06 Wilson 41 aluminum hopper bottom grain trailer; '07 Trail King TK 70 35-ton drop deck trailer; '04 Transcraft TL-2000 48' flatbed trailer; other trucks & trailers; JD 1780 12/23 & JD 7200 16RN planters; Case-IH 46 1/2 fld. cult.; Case-IH 3950 26 1/2 disk; Case-IH 730B 7-shank ripper; Nitromaster 8000 17-knife NH3 toolbar; Brent 874 grain cart on tracks; Brandt 5000EX Grain Vac; Friesen 240 seed tender; plus many other pcs. of farm machinery, hay equipment and livestock related items. Sale held at the farm, located approx. 4 miles northwest of Edina, MO, just off Highway 15.
Scott & Trever Bryant - Owners
Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
Approximately 320 acres of Lewis & Knox County, MO land located in Sections 29, 31 & 32 of T63N•R9W and Section 1 of T62N•R10W. Land located north of LaBelle, MO. Sale to be held at the American Legion Post 358 Building, Knox City, MO.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Golden – Owner

Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 10:00 A.M.
Outstanding estate auction of clean late model one-owner JD farm machinery, (2) grain trucks, pickup truck, tools and other farm related items. Highlights include: JD 8220 tractor, MFWD, 1,274 hrs.; JD 7510 tractor, MFWD, 1,504 hrs.; JD 4440 tractor, power shift trans.; JD 4030 tractor; JD 148 loader; JD 9450 combine, 4WD, 1,259 and 1,697 hrs.; JD 918F platform; JD 643 6RN; JD 980 26' fld. cult.; Kinze 3600 12/23 no-till; etc.
Sale to be held just south of the 18 Wheeler truck stop along Hwy. 61, Taylor, MO (North of Palmyra, MO)
Jim Hackler Estate, Joyce Hackler - Owner
Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 10:00 A.M.
Estate auction of antique furniture, collectibles, quality glassware, tools and miscellaneous. Sale to be held on-site at 115 Cherry Street, Carthage, IL.
The late Raymond & Dorotha Myers.
Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.
Selling approx. 23.15 acres of Adams County, IL farmland located along Interstate 336, just south of Loraine, IL in Section 29 of Keene Township.
Farmers State Bank of Pittsfield - Sellers
Monday, December 13, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.
160 acres of Ralls County, MO farmland. Land is located in Section 25 of T55N•R6W (just northeast of Center, MO). Land represents highly productive farmland with Mexico and Putnam soils! Sale to be held at the Lion's Building, Hwy. 61, New London, MO.
Neola V. Hanley Estate

Large "Absolute" Machinery Consignment Auction
Selling tractors, combines, heads, fall & spring tillage equipment, planters & drills, trucks & trailers, hay & silage equipment, livestock equipment, plus much more! This will be a very large auction—consign early!
Call or email with your consignments:

Friday, January 7 at 6:00 p.m. & Saturday, January 8 at 9:00 a.m.
Complete and total liquidation of Housewright Contracting, LaHarpe, IL
Day 1: Several parcels of real estate located in and around LaHarpe, IL including the Housewright Contracting headquarters facility.
Day 2: Huge auction of quality construction equipment, vehicles, backhoes, trucks & trailers, shop tools, concrete equipment, office equipment and much more.
Housewright Family - Sellers


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