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Bowen Ronald C DVM
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Ronald C. Bowen, DVM welcomes you!
Address9748 Southwest Hwy Oak Lawn, IL 60453-3615
Phone(708) 499-3595
Now that spring is officially here, we want to remind you about preventing Heartworm Disease. Heartworm Disease developes when a dog is bitten by a mosquito carrying microscopic heartworm larvae. Annual blood testing is recommended for monitoring the success of any Heartworm prevention program. All dogs 6 months or older should be tested prior to starting a prevention program. Since dogs can be infected for many years before symptoms develop, heartworm disease in dogs may not be obvious. Here is a list of Heartworm preventatives that we carrry at Oak Village Animal Hospital:
*Heartgard Plus Chewables

*Diro Flave Drops (a flavored liquid drop also made exclusively at Oak Village)
If you have any questions or need to schedule a Heartworm Blood test, please call our office at (708) 499-3595 and we will be happy to help!!

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February is Spay and Neuter month! To celebrate this, Cook County is offering a $40.00 rebate to spay or neuter your dog or cat. To be eligible for this rebate, your pet must be a Cook County resident and have current vaccinations. There is a 2 pet limit per household and the rebate is taken off the price the day of the surgery.
There are many reasons to spay or neuter your dog or cat, here are a few:

* Prevent over population and unwanted puppies or kittens
* Help stem the possible spread of dangerous diseases to pets and people through stray animals
* Prevent aggressive and unwanted behaviors such as marking and spraying in the house with urine
If you have any questions, call our office at (708) 499-3595 and we will be happy to help you.
Give your pet the best gift of all and call us to schedule an appointment. If your pet also needs vaccinations we can help you there also. Appointments are limited so call today!!

2009 has been a very unusual year for climate conditions. We have set records in the midwest for rainfall, and we are also having mild temperatures. July had one day in the 90’s! These 2 factors are causing heavy mold counts, plus there are still abundant weed pollens resulting in double allergy insult.
When dogs and cats have allergies, the reactive area of the body is the skin. Licking the feet, itchy ears, or skin rashes are the most common symptoms. When humans have allergies, sneezing and runny noses are the symptoms. Your pet breathes in the inhalant factor causing a reaction in the skin. If your windows are open, molds and pollen come inside.
About 25% of pets respond to antihistamines like Benadryl (50mg/50lbs given twice daily). Around 15% of pets respond to aspirin (325 mg tab per 80lbs given with food twice daily). The remainder of pets generally require steroids to control their allergies. Usually a low dose, alternate day medication is prescribed which works well. Forget topical creams, most pets lick them off. Most pets require treatment until frost. Some need treatment until freezing weather.
If your pet is licking and scratching excessively, allergies could be the cause. Do not forget to check for fleas. They are bad this year due to abundant rain. We have a new product called Vectra that works very well on fleas, ticks and repels mosquitos.
For chronic allergy patients, we are seeing a remarkable improvement with the use of hypoallergenic laundry detergents. Did you know that our government allows a 20% error in labeling? IT IS COMMON PRACTICE TO USE GROUND UP FEATHERS, SAWDUST AND ASHES AS FILLERS! If your laundry detergent looks cloudy in water, I would switch. We recommend Conklin laundry detergents and household cleaners. Pets are on blankets, towels etc and chemical residues from cleaning products may be causing health problems for you and your pet. The cost for Conklin laundry detergent is 22 cents a load! At Oak Village and at home we have changed to Conklin because the quality is good, the cost is a bargain, and the products are made in the USA putting Americans to work. If you would like to try the Conklin products call our office at (708)499-3595.
Dr. Bowen and staff

What is CRAP?? This is an acronym for the additional chemicals in our pet food used to retard spoilage and enhance product appearance. What is CRAP?
C - Chemicals, coloring, chlorinated water

P - Preservatives, pesticides, processed food
Pet food manufacturers and consumers want the longest shelf life possible. In today’s tough economic climate, spoiled food is not an option. However, medical researchers are convinced that all this CRAP is increasing food allergies, gastro-intestinal disease and cancer. So why are food additives bad? Because they kill off your pet’s friendly bacteria. Trillions of friendly bacteria are normal residents of the small and large intestine.Their health functions are:
1) Pre-digestion of food, enhancing food absorption
2) Manufacture vitamins, particularly B -vitamins
3) Cleaningthe small and large intestine and deactivating preservatives, chemicals, coloring , etc.
Otherwise, the liver must metabolize it

6) Stimulating the immune system
Are there other reasons that cause friendly bacterias to be too low?? YES…Chlorinated drinking water, food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, viruses, heat stress, antibiotic use just to name a few. Lowering our army of friendly bacteria compromises health, particularly the immune system.
What’s the solution? PROBIOTICS. Antibiotics kill bad bacteria but they also kill good bacteria. Probiotics safely repopulate the gut with friendly bacteria and with no side effects. For optimum pet health, I recommend the use of probiotic maintenance. Most human cultures have long used yogurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut, kefir, etc, as natural probiotics. Today yogurt etc, has sugars and preservatives and live bacteria counts may be questionable. We wax cars, paint houses, change our auto’s oil all as preventative maintenance. Preventative health maintenance is the best and least expensive medicine.
As a side note, 2008 was one of the most stressful years of my life. On Memorial weekend 2008 our house burned down along with most of the contents. Besides a veterinary practice, dealing with insurance and construction issues and no “home” to retreat to, Debbi and I were worn out. Then after construction, moving back in, getting settled…more stress! At 63 years old, I was exhausted. I had been so busy that I had forgotten to take my probiotics. It finally dawned on me to restart them and what a huge difference in energy and mental clarity.
A big question before all of us today is how can human health costs be lowered? The answer is simple: STAY HEALTHY! Americans are going to need to be proactive about their health - “Preventative health care!” Health neglect usually leads to disease, which may lead to surgery or long term drug therapy. By the way, the 6th leading cause of death in humans is adverse drug reactions!
Probiotic therapy is a brand new approach to health maintenance. A good many of you know how well it works on your pet’s skin disease, allergies and shedding, etc. Over the long run probiotics will save you money. As a July special we are offering a 20% discount on probiotics to get your pet started. The cost for your pet is about 20 - 35 cents per day.We recommend Conklin probiotics for humans too! Start your pet and yourself on the road to good health and prevent future health problems and save 20% on your first order.
Happy Health To You!

Spring finally has made it for 2009. I believe everyone is exhausted from winter. Due to the heavy rainfall this spring, scientists are forecasting an abundant mosquito season which is how Heartworm Disease is spread. I would suggest heartworm blood testing and preventative no later than June 15th. Due to the recession, Oak Village Animal Hospital is offering a STIMULIS SPECIAL! Save $15.00 on your canine friend’s Heartworm test until 6/15/2009! We also have our own Heartworm prevention called Diro Drops and Diro Flave Drops. These medications have the same ingredients as Heartgard but in a drop form and are 50% less expensive than Heartgard! Save money while protecting your dog from deadly Heartworm disease!
Another health topic to be aware of is Leptospirosis. This disease is spread through the urine of wildlife, in particular coyote, deer and raccoons. Direct contact is not necessary and it is contagious to humans. This safe vaccination can be added to your dog’s current vaccination schedule. If you have any questions about this disease, please call our office and we will be happy to help you.
Many clients have seen the vast health enhancements due to the use of Fastrack products. In particular the Fastrack Senior supplement. This is the best joint supplement on the planet! We have also had reports of less shedding from dog’s that are taking Fastrack Senior. Conklin is the company that manufactures all of the Fastrack products. We can arrange a direct link to Conklin for a one time fee of $25.00. As a preffered customer, you will enjoy a considerable savings per bottle ( $12.00 to $15.00 ). There is no minimum purchase requirement! Contact our office for details.
Have a happy spring!!

As a user of Fastrack products, I am sure you have seen your pet’s health excel. Their products are the best on the planet.
Conklin has advanced into human health products also. With the H1N1 (Swine flu) epidemic coming to the USA, there are a few
Conklin products that will help your family resist this health challenge.
1. Vital HF: This is a safe anti viral product at a modest price. Antibiotics do not work on viruses.
2. Probiotic support: This is the human equivalent to pet Fastrack Microbial Supplement. This product greatly enhances
your immune system and contains digestive enzymes.
3. Sanox II Disinfectant Cleaner: This is a hospital strength disinfectant to use around the home or business on hard,
non porous surfaces.
If you are not already signed up as a Conklin (Fastrack) dealer, please call our office for more information.To order any of these products, contact us at (708) 499-3595.

February is National Spay/Neuter Month!!!! To celebrate this, Cook County Animal Control is offering a $40.00 instant rebate
on all dog and cat spays/neuters. To participate in this rebate program the following conditions must be met:
* Female dogs and cats must be at least 6 months old

* Two pet per household limit
Please call our office at 708-499-3595 to schedule an appointment. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them for you.
Have a Happy February!!!

Happy New Year! We hope that your holidays were blessed. We would like to take a moment to thank you for entrusting us to care for your pet family. The greatest compliment of all are your referrals. Thank you very much.
As a few of you already know, the Bowen residence was destroyed by a fire on Memorial Day weekend. Debbi and I were out of town on a trail ride in Tennesse. We received a frantic phone call from Angie (our nurse at Oak Village who was housesitting for us) stating that our house was on fire. Angie, her sister Jessica and their friend Sean called the fire department and evacuated the house along with three dogs. Thankfully, no one was injured. The fire started in the wood stove chimney. The fire department thought it was an electrical fire, so 2000 gallons of water went into the ceilings. Then that water went into the basement. Fortunately, there was more smoke and water damage then fire damage. But, we still had to replace everything in the house. It was an exhausting task to inventory all of our belongings. Everything had to be accounted for in order to settle with the insurance company. If you have not already done so, videotape the contents of your home and keep it in a secure area in case of fire or other damage to your home.
Debbi and I arrived home the next day and were shocked to see that the house had been completely destroyed. Our insurance agent offered to make arrangements for us to stay at a hotel. But with five dogs, five horses, two cats and fourteen chickens, we needed to stay on our property. For the first two weeks, Debbi and I and five frenchies resided in our horse trailer with living quarters. For those of you who do not know what that is, it is a trailer for hauling horses that has a small living quarters in the front. It is equipped with a bed over the gooseneck, a small sitting area, a tiny shower and a porta potty. It has electric, including air conditioning. The living area of this trailer is 7×15feet. This set up is designed for weekend travel, not long term.
The first mission of sanity was for our insurnace company to provide a 12×50 foot house trailer because it would be 6 to 9 months for house repairs. No problem, except that Will County required a land survey which would take 3 more weeks. We were able to negotiate with our insurance company to purchase a used 8×31 foot camping trailer which we got in 3 days. Now we stepped up to a running water flush toilet and twice the room. The kitchen was larger with a table and benches and a couch. It’s a wonderful life started with a sewer line hook up for the trailer. For the first three weeks, I was emptying the sewage tanks manually twice weekly. The next step of luxury was a wood deck, then a metal awning to block out the sun and installing a dog run. For laundry purposes, we purchased a 8×12 wooden shed. It also housed a full sized refrigerator (the refrigerator that came with the trailer was very small). Also, we had a bit more space for clothes. Trailer living became a real challenge when old man winter arrived.
The first three months of this ordeal was frustrating because no progress was being made. Our contractor, David Post of E.I.S.Group did a superb job of analyzing the extent of the damage, negotiating with the insurance company and coordinating the house construction. Another major hold up was that our house was 45 years old and to rebuild it required strict 2008 building codes. Construction finally started September 12, 2008. We hoped that by Christmas we would be back home.
As the summer passed and winter came, our challenges increased. It was now difficult to do laundry in the shed with no heat, so temporary heaters were installed to prevent the pipes and refrigerator from freezing. However, as it got colder the discharge hose from the washer froze. The plumbers temporarily hooked up the washer in the house. But now Debbi had to bring clothes in the house to wash, carry wet clothes to the shed to dry and then carry them to the trailer to fold. Whew!
The next challenge single digit temperatures. The trailer we were living in was for vacationing and not designed for Chicago’s winters. Ice would form on the windows and doors. The temperature was either 45 degrees or 85 degrees, the furnace would heat but the thin metal walls could not retain the heat. We left the water faucets trickling to prevent freezing. Heat tapes were on the holding tanks, but we had to pour hot water in the toilet to keep the tank from freezing. To hook up the new plumbing in the house the plumbers needed to turn off the water for 6 hours. TaDa! Frozen water pipes in the trailer and it was back to the porta potty at night and into the house for showering, water and bathroon privileges during the day. Thankfully, that only lasted two weeks.
Due to the diligent persistence of our general contractor, Davis Post of E.I.S Group, we were able to move in on December 19, 2008!!! Thank you David for all your hard work and determination. Great job!
Is it a wonderful life? As I look back at this, it was an adventure to go from using a porta potty in the horse trailer to using a flush toilet in the camper. Although, 1/3 of the world population has no indoor plumbing. As I poured hot water in the camper toilet, I thanked God that we had hot water to use. An American on welfare is rich as compared to many third world countries around the world. Yes, we are having some economic problems. Maybe it is a challenge for us to rise to the occasion and show the world that we are still the greatest nation on earth. As in the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” George Bailey starts to live again. He realized all the many blessings he had all along. No other country has had the prosperity that we Americans enjoy. I believe we will recover. Our forefathers took on the strongest country in the world having had no money or government and won. Surely, we can all deal with our economic situation.
Thank you all who patiently waited at times when I arrived late. When major construction occurs there always seemed to be unforseen issues that happen at the last minute. This Christmas, the best gift was being back in our home. I, along with my wife Debbi, and the staff of Oak Village would like to wish all of you a healthy and prosperous 2009.

Spring is finally here! Now that the warm weather is here, everyone wants to be outdoors more and that is true for our pets also. Protecting your pet during the warm months is very important but easy at the same time. Heartworm disease and intestinal parasites can be prevented by following a these simple steps:
* Yearly Heartworm blood testing. This is a quick and painless blood draw that one of our technicians can perform while you wait.
* Giving Heartgard chewable tablets or Diro Drops ( a liquid Heartworm preventative that is sold exclusively at Oak Village Animal

If your pet has not been tested for Heartworm so far this year, please give us a call and we will be happy to
schedule an appointment for you. As always, if you have any questions, our receptionists are always available
to help you!

Cook County Animal Control is celebrating the month of February by sponsoring a rebate program! Oak Village Animal Hospital will take $40.00 off any spay or neuter for your dog or cat. Please call our office at 708-499-3595 to schedule an appointment today!
Current vaccinations are required. If your dog or cat is not currently vaccinated, we would be happy to vaccinate your pet also!
Thank you and have a great day!


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