Welcome to the website for St Pauls Parish. We are an Episcopal/Anglican parish rooted in the Early Christian tradition of spirituality and liturgy, which developed from English Benedictinism. Yet we are a church family in the modern world — prayerful, accessible, and seeking closeness with God in the language of today.
A good way to understand St Pauls Parish is to investigate our Five Core Values, linked in the image at right. Scroll your mouse over each of the Core Values and click to learn more. Together these serve as introduction to our Parish, and invitation to you to join us at the liturgy.
Hear why James Baum worships at St Paul's Parish.
St Pauls Parish | parishoffice@stpaulsparish.org | (708) 447-1604
60 Akenside Road, Riverside, Illinois 60546
At The Heritage for The Blind, we understand that losing your vision can be a difficult, emotional, and life-changing experience that affects you and everyone around you.
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