The St. Matthew family of faith welcomes you to our worship services. If you do not have a church home in the Urbana Champaign area, we invite you to make St. Matthew a place to call home.
$3.50 per game, shoes are free for St. Matt’s group
Come out for some fun and fellowship together with your Saint Matt's family (all ages welcome) Do you know someone else who would think this is fun? Invite them to come!
Questions? Call Scott Paluska or Ann Rasmus
The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry will be Wednesday, December 15th from 10-11:30am in the Concord Room. We welcome all who knit, and we also delight in receiving shawls from knitters who would be willing to make them for the ministry but cannot attend the meetings. The pattern is easy and the instructions are available and could be mailed to you. The stories from those who have received the colorful shawls are beautiful and filled with gratitude for the prayers and love that goes into making them. Please contact Helene for more information.
Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church This is the title of a book by N.T. Wright that will service as the basis for a six-session course in the Adult Forum through December 5th. The session will be led by Dr. Ed Schneider and will be held in the Augsburg Room during the Sunday School hour. The course will consider the ultimate future hope held out in the Christian gospel (including what happens after death), and the practical ways in which this hope can shape our lives in this world. Please join us!
The core of understanding of God's work in the world through Jesus is recorded in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. While each tell the same story of Christ's redemptive purpose, they tell the story uniquely and with different emphasis. Join us on Wednesday nights this fall as we explore these foundational stories and come to know Jesus in new ways. Classes run from 6:15-7:30. Costs are minimal.