Buffalo Grove Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation, P.C. (BGPT) is a thriving outpatient orthopaedic PT-owned private practice, designed to maximize healing and wellness. We offer comprehensive treatment programs for all major neuromusculoskeletal conditions, including post-surgical and motor vehicle accident cases, as well as work conditioning/ergonomic training. In addition, we offer speciality programs in sports perfomance training/strength & conditioning. Our staff comprises a knowledgeable team of clinicians who are Doctors of Physical Therapy (DPT), some of whom hold national and international accredited specialty certifications in Sports Physical Therapy (CSPT)/Strength & Conditioning (CSCS). Moreover, they have a passion for their careers and care about our clients' wellness. Our facility contains a variety of cardiovascular conditioning/strength training equipment, and a wide array of treatment modalities to help facilitate pain/edema reduction, improved connective tissue blood flow and circulation, muscle strengthening/re-education, and relief of nerve root irritation: Ultrasound; Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS); TENS; Biofeedback; Anodyne; Fluidotherapy; and Mechanical Spinal Traction. BGPT's rehabilitation team communicates with your referring physician on an on-going basis throughout your course of treatment, to ensure optimal recovery. Our office is glad to assist with appointment scheduling, as well as billing and/or insurance questions at any time.
What makes Buffalo Grove Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation, P.C. different from most physical therapy practices?
EXPERTISE. ACCESSIBILITY. PERSONALIZED CARE. We have over 25 years of experience in providing quality physical therapy services, within a warm and professional setting. We are committed to maximizing healing and wellness through personalized care tailored to each individual's goals, and strive to exceed our clients' highest expectations. Our facility is conveniently located in the central Cook/Lake County district within the Northwest Community Medical Office Center.