Christ Community is a growing and vibrant church in the Chicagoland area. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, we invite you to join us and be a part of our community as we follow Jesus.
Don't miss this gripping series that looks at Jesus' famous parable of the prodigal son from a different perspective. In it, we see the very heart of what Jesus wanted us to know about ourselves and about our Father God who loves us deeply and recklessly. This Sunday we're talking about the elder brother. We'd love to see you this Sunday morning at 9:00 or 10:45!
"The Father in heaven has no righteous children on earth; His grace is needed for all, and most of all for those who dream they have no need of it." -B.B. Warfield
"There are two kinds of people, and thus two kinds of running from God and fathers, but still just one way home." -Tim Keller