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Chicago Vascular Doctor: Vein Health & Heart Disease
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A Chicago vascular doctor talks about vein health and heart disease.

As vein care specialists in Chicago, we often throw around medical terms and bodily systems that you may not be familiar with. When we say ‘vein disease,’ we are referring to all the conditions that affect the veins, such as venous insufficiency and deep vein thrombosis. Patients sometimes ask us if vein disease can affect the heart, since the veins and heart are connected through the circulatory system. In this article, we answer that question with a bit about how the health of your veins affects your heart.

What do Chicago residents need to know about vein health and heart disease?

According to Dr. Ramon Castro, our Chicago vascular doctor, vein disease and heart disease share many of the same risk factors. That means that the same things that can cause one may also contribute to the other.

Some shared factors that can increase your risk for developing vein disease and heart disease include:

·         Aging

·         Gender

·         Family history

·         Smoking

·         Diets high in sodium, fat, sugar, and cholesterol

·         Overweight and obesity

·         Sedentary lifestyle

Even if you don’t fall into any of these risks, disease can develop in anyone. And if you do develop one type of disease, that doesn’t mean that you will get the other. Be warned, however, that having both heart disease and vein disease together can make symptoms more severe and can increase your risk for blood clots.

If you want to learn ways to reduce your risk for vein disease and heart disease, browse the helpful articles in our blog. You can also learn your risk for vein disease by scheduling a screening at our Chicago vein treatment center at 773-283-7887.

Author Bio: Find the Best Chicago Vascular Doctor and Spider Vein Doctor In Chicago for the expert care of vein disease. Call (773) 283-7887 and make an appointment today.

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Find the Best Chicago Vascular Doctor, for the expert care of vein disease. Call (773) 283-7887 and make an appointment today.