This is the default web page for this web server. This page can be accessed from the server's primary IP address or hostname. If you are seeing this page from another address, it usually means that the web site you are trying to visit has been moved, deleted, or temporarily disabled. If you feel this page is being delivered in error, please contact your hosting provider for assistance.
We provide the following utilities to our hosting customers. Please note that some of these utilities are specific to Web Server web2. If your site is not hosted on this web server, some utilities may not work for you.
Web shell is a web-based file manager which allows you to update the contents of your site. It includes simple functions like moving, renaming, copying, and deleting files as well as configuration of password protection, file editing, and fetching and extracting archives from remote sites (useful to restore a backup or for easy software installation).
A number of different web-based email clients are available on our mail server for your use. This item will take you to a page where you can choose your favorite from a list.
If you need to manage your databases, we provide web-based clients for both MySQL and PostgreSQL. This item will take you to a page where you can choose the client you need.
This server provides PHP 5.2.10. This item will take you to an information page which lists the various capabilities of this PHP 5 installation. If anything you require is not included in our configuration, please contact support to inquire about whether your request is feasible.
This server provides Ruby on Rails 2.0. This item will take you to a page which confirms that rails is operating and output the versions of Ruby and Rails.